Gym Details

Mat Fee: N/A


Not-so-friendly πŸ˜’
Spazzy πŸ€•


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Dec 20, 2024
No-gi πŸ€ΌπŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

Dropped in after not training for a long time. World medalist purple belt or something threw me, a new blue belt, nearly broke my leg w/ an aoki lock & had me laid up in bed for a little over a week. Took about a year off & came back to see if the place has changed after TWO friends who train here invited me back & told me, "That was just a 1-off experience. Come check it out again". Sure enough when I walk in the door, 1st thing is Mylene giving me dirty looks. I feel weird but I go say hi to Chris. I figure this is already probably a bad idea given the dirty looks Mylene is now throwing at me, as if we're in High School. Go up to Chris & he's just staring at me, eyes-wide open like he wants to actually fistfight me, a 38 year old woman. He said, "You hvae a lot of nerve coming here. Do you remember what you said??? Do you remember what you said? Do you remember what you said?" Just repeating it. I go, "Yeah... I said someone here ripped a straight ankle on me. That's true". He just keeps staring at me with his eyes wide open. I say, "This is weird. You're being weird. I'm leaving". It was absolutely weird. Trying to intimidate some old woman just trying to get an exercise in, because what? I had the audacity to share the truth of my experience here? So you want to keep vicitms silent? That's the MO of this school? Happen or not, which you obviously claim didn't, this is a school ran by people who not only want to silence victims, but believe their students are infallible. DO NOT go here. This place is hella dangerous.

Areas for Improvement:
Not-so-friendly πŸ˜’
Spazzy πŸ€•